IGNITE appoints Isaac McCluskey as Digital Marketing Coordinator
Isaac McCluskey, Digital Marketing Coordinator
Tell us about what you’ve done in the past and what you’re doing now at IGNITE.
I’ve been all over the place, literally and figuratively. I have a few years of experience working in telecommunications. I spent three years as a Customer Care manager with Red Bull MOBILE. I took a few years off to travel Europe and returned to Australia to attend university. Most recently, I was Marketing Manager at a Melbourne based hospitality group. I am joining IGNITE as their new Digital Marketing Coordinator as a part of their expanding Marketing department.
How did you know IGNITE was the right fit for you?
It is a super supportive and friendly environment. I am a textbook extrovert and get a lot of energy from working with and around people, and everyone here at IGNITE is so friendly and helpful. I knew it was the right fit for me right from the interview process. It felt like they wanted to get to know me as a person. I got a great vibe for the team and the culture here and have been proven right during my time here.
What excites you?
Upskilling! I’ve spent a lot of time as a one-person marketing team, so it’s great to be in a place surrounded by experts in their fields. I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can from whoever is willing to teach me. Also very much looking forward to our move to the Commons in Collingwood and being a part of a real creative hub.
Where do you see Digital Marketing heading over the coming couple of years? What trends are you seeing? What would you like to see?
I think even more so than now; it’s going to be about Data Data Data. I think we’re going to see ‘smarter’ digital campaigns driven by data, delivering you ads for things you don’t yet know you need. As more and more services and products become ‘smart’ we will be able to drill down even further in audience targeting of online ads to deliver to highly motivated audiences. I also think we haven’t even scratched the surface of what AI will be able to do for digital marketing in content creation and targetting. I’m excited to see what comes next.