192 Leads in 30 Days: Maximising School Digital Marketing

IGNITE® Digital Agency - 16 January 2023

A new school year approaches, and so do looming scholarship and enrolment goals. This is one of, if not the most, saturated periods of digital advertising for education.

With every school vying for the attention of prospective parents, how do you stand out? That’s where we come in.

IGNITE’s 2022 School Success Story

We’d like to share some pretty impressive stats with you. At the close of 2022, we achieved big results for an independent school client. In 30 days, we generated 192 leads at a cost-per-click of $1.08. In one of these coordinated campaigns, we nabbed a cost-per-lead of only $4.

How did we pull off this feat? Optimisations, optimisations and more optimisations!

Our Top Tricks for Optimisation

If you’re setting your campaigns live and leaving them alone, you’re missing out. Meta and Google’s optimisations are sound, but they’re not spectacular.

Do you know what gives Digital marketers’ an edge over computer automation? The ability to synergise ACROSS campaigns rather than WITHIN them. When every team has access to the same tools – strategy and adaptation is king. Here are some of the strategies we utilised:

Focusing on the Best Performers

As our campaigns ran their course, we kept a close eye on audiences. Those delivering the best ROIs (return on investment) became our targets. Instead of spreading our budget thin, we invested in our highest performers.

Condensing Campaigns for Maximum Impact

By condensing our campaigns, we could target a smaller group of ads to a larger audience. This helped ensure that our message reached as many potential leads as possible.

Staying Current with Trends and Data

To keep our campaigns fresh and engaging, we kept our content and copy up to date with the latest trends and data. This helped us stay relevant and on point.

Timing is Everything with Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ads are great for converting people who have visited your website. Just wait until you have a large enough pool of visitors before turning on these ad sets. Otherwise, you’ll be overspending and overreaching on a small group of users.

Adjusting Budgets as Necessary

It’s crucial to continually monitor the performance of your campaigns. As data populates, you can make decisions on budget allocation. This could mean filtering the budget into a campaign reaching a deadline. It could also mean reallocating money to the best performers.

Getting Creative with Creatives

A/B testing is a must for any successful digital marketing campaign. It allows you to compare and predict the performance of versions of the same creative.

Experimentation leads to a better understanding of your audience. It can also identify new or unexpected opportunities for growth.

Achieve Your Goals with IGNITE

By following these optimisation moves, we achieved results in a hard market. The same is possible for any industry! Remember that a good campaign strategy is never set in stone – you should always be adjusting.

If you’re ready to boost your school’s enrolment numbers, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us to learn more.