Trade Facts – Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Healthcare industry

Learn About Substances And Their Risks

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is Australia’s leading organisation committed to inspiring positive change and delivering evidence-based approaches to harm minimisation in alcohol and drug use.

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation reaches millions of Australians through sporting clubs, educational institutions and communities. Their focus is to prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs in Australia.

Independent and funded by state and federal governments, ADF brings expert knowledge and research into their programs, supporting and informing drug and alcohol prevention programs, and providing educational information.

Trade Facts – Alcohol and Drug Foundation


Healthcare industry

IGNITE took the time to really understand what we were aiming to achieve with the Trade Facts website. Their intuitive take on navigation design, attention to detail and empathy really made this project come to life. The result is a website which manages to clearly communicate our message in a way which resonates with a notoriously difficult to reach audience.

Dotahn Caspi , Digital Manager
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In their collaboration with Halt, the Alcohol & Drug Foundation (ADF) required a youth-focused website to communicate the harm reduction message to Young Apprentices in a credible and engaging way.

The design of the website needed to be visually striking with a focus on subtle animations to immediate capture the user’s attention, yet remain focused on being an informative resource with easily accessible and digestible content, that was culturally relevant to the intended audience.

ADF required a digital agency committed to intimately understanding all aspects of their campaign to ensure the successful delivery of their new website.


The key goals of this project were:

  • Create a website for this project that also serves as a proof of concept for communicating harm reduction messaging to young apprentices, arming them with relatable information to support informed decision-making.
  • Strengthen the capacity of organisations currently working with the identified high-risk group.
  • Proactively engage in harm reduction messaging to high-risk groups, reducing illicit drug-related harms.
